Alien Life
Do you believe in Alien Life? Have you thought about what they might look like?
Well now you can design your own alien in this fun game! Each time you play you will get different results!
What will you need:
Drawing materials: Coloured pens/ pencils and paper
A Dice, if you don't have a die, don't worry, use this online one that can be found here.
Print out of the worksheet: Can't print? Don't worry, you can create your alien on a piece of plain paper.
NB: You can edit the colours to suit what you have available.
Everyone has a piece of paper, or use the template sheet, and access to some colouring pencils or other drawing materials.
Follow the codes on the features sheet for your turn of the dice to design your alien. Start with the youngest player first. You could do this with your family or friends over video chat too.
Each person roles the dice and checks the table to see what their alien will have on its body. Once you have your feature get drawing while the other players take their turn. When you have to roll the dice again time is up.
Use the next sheet to draw your alien or if you want to make it more creative for children record the features first then ask them to draw. Have fun!

Tell us about it!
How you can support your child:
Created your own alien? If you want to share a picture of your alien, you can submit it using the form found in the navigation bar titled "Tell us about it." You can also tweet us and tag @OGATrust on twitter, don't forget tagging your academy twitter account as well!
You can help out too! How?
Play the game with them and both design your alien
What about rolling opposites. Your child rolls for your design and you roll for your child's, see what whacky designs you come up with from that!