Computer Science Unplugged
Binary Numbers
What you will need:
How you can support your child
You will need to make a set of five binary cards (click here) for a printable example.
Don't have a printer? Don't worry, just get some paper and draw the same number of dots on each piece of paper
You can help out too! How?
Help get them set up and follow the instructions on the worksheet
Discuss with your child the questions that are on the worksheet and try to challenge their answers.
Secret Guidance
3 requires cards 2 and 1
12 requires cards 8 and 4
19 requires cards 16, 2 and 1
There is only one way to make any number.
The biggest number you can make is 31. The smallest is 0. You can make every number in between, and each has a unique representation.
Experts: To increase any number by one, flip all the cards from right to left until you
turn one face up.
Watch this video to see an example of what you are trying to achieve:
Use this worksheet as a set of instructions:

Tell us about it!
If you want to share a picture of what you have produced, you can submit it using the form found in the navigation bar titled "Tell us about it." You can also tweet us and tag @OGATrust on twitter, don't forget tagging your academy twitter account as well!